The difference between a good and a bad idea is only hairline thick. A good idea is bought while the rest sing their swan song much too early. If you think you a good app idea here is a list of questions you must ask yourself before investing much into it.
Is your idea completely unique?
With the number of apps out there, it is possible you are reinventing the wheel and if you are, you may find little demand for your app. To start with, find out if there are similar apps in the market. Search keywords related to your idea on Google and Apple app stores. As of March 2015, there are 1.43 million Android apps in the Google Play store and 1.21 million iOS apps in Apple App store. If you find your idea aligned to any one of these existing apps, be sure you have a unique spin to offer.
Is it the right time?
Timing is important for new ideas. A successful app launch is often aided by a particular event or season that propels the distribution of the app to a wide market. While planning and documenting plans for the project are crucial, make sure you do no miss out on the right time.
Have you researched your product demand?
Apps succeed because people need them. Many entrepreneurs and leaders get really excited about their idea, and they forget to ask real users to validate their assumptions. Not enough market demand or too much supply (competition) is the most common reason why ideas don’t take off. You need to analyse and understand your market really well.
Download our Market Analysis Template and get started with your idea today.
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