Free resources for app creators

Launching an app as planned is extremely crucial as losing time directly translates to missed opportunities and therefore missed revenue.

Here are four significant tips to ensure that your app hits the market on time.

Be organised and have a plan

Changes in features and functionalities of the app through the course of the project are inevitable. However, they must be properly managed in an effective product-release schedule in order to ensure on-time delivery. Prioritise your requirements and make a decision on what features will be included in each stage. Develop the discipline to put new ideas into a wish list for future phases of development.

Choose your development partner wisely

Work with a professional app development company with a proven track record. Establish and agree on a clear project timeline before the project begins. Be sure to add contingencies to project deadlines. If your app idea is complex, ensure your partner has the technical capabilities and experience to offer an on-time guarantee.

Analyse and document the requirements appropriately

Every software project begins with a Requirements Analysis document and gaps in this initial requirement documentation lead to confusion during the design and development phase. Therefore the app requirements must be rightly determined and documented well before the commencement of the project.

Be involved

It is not uncommon for product owners to think that their job is over once they hand the concept over to the development team. But in reality, the active participation and commitment to communicate with the development team regularly is crucial for success.

To learn more about the responsibilities of app owners through various stages of app development download our App Readiness Accelerator Kit

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